Return to Roots Cohort 3

This is where you can enroll in our third course starting February 5th, 2025. 

Read more about our self-selected sliding scale, below.



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Three tuition rates to choose from.

The Return to Roots course is being offered on a sliding scale to make it accessible to a diverse group of nurses, reflecting various economic realities. This approach aligns with our values of inclusivity and support, ensuring that all interested nurses, regardless of their financial situation, can benefit from this transformative education.

Why a Sliding Scale?
A sliding scale is an effective tool to promote economic justice, creating multiple access points for participants from different financial backgrounds. It enables those who can afford to contribute more to do so, thereby supporting the community and making the course accessible to those with fewer financial resources.

How to Self-Select Your Tuition Rate:

  • Supported Rate: If you often find it challenging to meet basic needs and have limited expendable income, this rate is for you. It's designed for those who might struggle with housing, healthcare, and other essentials.
  • Standard Rate: If you're generally able to cover your basic needs but don't have significant financial security, consider this rate. It's suited for those who have a steady income but are mindful of budgeting for essentials and some extras.
  • Pay-It-Forward Rate: For those who have financial security, own property, or have the ability to spend on wants without worry, this rate allows you to support others in the community who have less economic flexibility.

This sliding scale model is based on trust and self-assessment, encouraging honesty and consideration of one's own financial situation and its impact on the broader community.

For more detailed guidance on choosing the right tier for you based on your circumstances or to understand more about how sliding scales foster a supportive learning environment, visit the detailed discussion on sliding scales and economic justice on the Worts & Cunning Apothecary blog.



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